Monday, May 2, 2016

Matcha Tiramisu...

... or as my friend C dubbed it, "Tea"ramisu.

A couple of weeks ago, I picked up a brick of whipping cream that someone was giving away for free in the building (freebies are always nice). Then last week, I picked up a ricotta at the supermarket. I was really in the mood for making tiramisu, except.............. I only have about 5 spéculoos cookies left. That wasn't going to be enough.

While digging through the various drawers in our little student apartment, I found the pack and a half of digestive cookies I had left from last semester. So I opted for matcha-flavored tiramisu!

I followed my normal recipe. While whipping up the whipping cream to soft peaks, I added matcha powder and a bit of icing sugar, taste-testing in the process until I was satisfied with the flavor and color (I had so many matcha bakes that came out not tasting nearly strong enough.....). Then instead of dipping the cookies in coffee/decaf, I brewed some green tea and dunked them in that. then came layering. I originally wanted to make the heart out of green matcha, but due to the cream's pale green color, the matcha wasn't coming out as strongly as I wanted. So chocolate it was.

Tutorial to normal tiramisu yonder this way~