Monday, September 17, 2012

Sweet and Sour

A sweet and sour tomato sauce I made today to eat with fresh white bread from the bakery. I looked up a couple of things online, then went by instinct ^^.

Sorry for the bad quality. iPad camera
just doesn't work as well as a Canon.
- Sugar
- Water
- 1 can peeled tomatoes
- rice vinegar (I find it less strong than regular vinegar, and it matches the flavor better as well)
- Snap beans (I had to use it up, so... traditionally, green bell-peppers and pineapples are used)
- Cornstarch or potato starch (I used potato starch)
- Salt, to taste

1. Boil/steam the snap beans.
2. Mix sugar and water and heat until dissolved.
3. Add in the tomatoes. For better results, squeeze the tomatoes or crush them so there aren't too many "lumps."
4. Add a little vinegar.
5. Mix the starch with a little water. Add in and stir. If using potato starch don't let it boil.
6. Taste test and add flavor as needed (I went for a bit more sweet)
7. Add in the veggies.
8. Enjoy with rice, or like me, on bread ^^

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