Saturday, December 26, 2015

Homemade Gyoza (Potstickers)

Whew, lots of December things to catch up on here on the blog! Despite a crazy few weeks of exams and papers and presentations, I still managed to squeeze in some baking to get rid of some stress.

December 11, 2015

For a long time now, I've been wanting to make my own gyoza (Japanese potstickers), as they are a little hard to find in my corner of the world when I am at college. I found the gyoza skin recipe on La Fuji Mama and had it bookmarked for about a year before I finally got to it and made these.

First I made a pan of filling. To keep it relatively simple, I just stir-fried chopped Chinese cabbage, shiitake mushroom (dried and rehydrated), carrots, and ginger, which I seasoned with vegetarian oyster sauce. On hindsight, adding something to try and make it hold together more easily would have made wrapping the gyoza easier, but I was out of tofu and patience.

Then I made the skins, and rolled them out flat. As I am not proficient at making nice circles with just the rolling pin, I cheated by using a circle cutter to cut them out with.

Everything was kept under a wet towel while L and I wrapped them (she helped me to speed up the process). I think we made about 33 of them, though the dough was a bit too thickly rolled, and the thicknesses were uneven.

Then L helped me fry them on a nonstick pan until the bottom was nicely browned, before adding hot water to the pan and covering it, to steam the tops of the gyoza.

We ate these dipped in a mix of veg ponzu sauce (mix of soy sauce and citrus) and chili.

  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup boiling water
  • flour for dusting
  1. In a bowl, mix flour and salt. Make a well in the middle.
  2. With chopsticks or another utensil, add hot water in the well and mix in flour progressively until a dough is formed.
  3. Roll into a ball. Some more water may be required.
  4. Cover with a damp cloth and let site for 1 hour.
  5. Knead on a floured surface for about 5 mins.
  6. Form into a log and cut into about 40 slices.
  7. Roll into round skins (or use round cookie cutter to make circles), dusting both sides with flour.
  8. Fill and cook, or wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate until use.

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