Thursday, August 1, 2013

Homemade Chunky Roots Curry

May 28, 2013
I tried making some curry...

Apparently, it was good enough that my cousin (who did some taste-testing before I served) said she could have a reaction (refer to Yakitate! Japan manga about that).

Served with some baguette and a cucumber salad.

In addition to the ingredients listed below, I have also tried using some of the "helper ingredients" found on the following image from Addicted to Curry (manga). Some may deem it unwise to follow a fictional manga for cooking, but I wanted to try. Some of the additions turned out very helpful.

Unfortunately, I didn't write down the recipe, so the following will be an approximation.

- carrots
- potatoes
- mushrooms
- tomatoes
- cashews
- tofu
- curry powder
- ginger
- mushroom seasoning

1. Cut the carrots and potatoes in even chunks. Boil water and cook the carrots.
2. Once cooked, remove the carrot from the water, and use the same water to cook the potatoes.
3. Reserve some cooking liquid, and add some mushroom seasoning.
4. In a bigger saucepan, heat a little bit of neutral oil, and add in minced ginger and a bit of curry powder. Add in cut mushrooms.
5. Sauté mushrooms until cooked, then add in the carrots and potatoes, reserving 2 or 3 chunks of potatoes aside.
6. Add in the liquid from step 3. Crush the reserved chunks of potatoes and add in (this will thicken the curry without adding more starch).
7. Add more curry powder and seasoning as seems fit, then throw in diced tofu, diced tomatoes and halved cashews.
8. Let simmer on medium-low heat, then serve.

For the cucumber salad:
1. Slice cucumbers fairly thinly.
2. Make a dressing out of lemon juice, salt, pepper, and a hint of sugar.
3. Mix

The cucumber salad will help to cut the fire of the curry.

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