Saturday, December 3, 2011

Tagliatelle -- my own recipe

So I made this for dinner today, but completely forgot to take pictures ^^. I'm not exactly sure of the proportions, but these are the amounts I used. Anyways, for the seasoning, I add some, taste it, then add more if needed. Really that's how I cook. No definite recipe.

As I read in many places, when you cook, you feed yourself to people. In a way, it's like, if you prefer things a little sweeter, you'll instinctively add more sugar than other things. So you give to other what you would eat. But I think cooking itself is fun. Of course, I know I do it to my own taste (so that's why it's often too salty for my parents), but I get this kind of joy when I chop the veggies or stir the pot. I am glad that I can make food for the people I love.

So this recipe is not really accurate and precise, since the amounts may not be right. Will come back to fix it when I figure it all out!

- 4 servings tagliatelle pasta
- 2 tomatoes, diced
- 2 stalks celery, chopped
- 3 carrots, diced
- 4 medium mushrooms, diced
- 1 large eggplant, diced
- 1 tofu, shredded (squeeze in your hands)
- 1 piece ginger, finely chopped
- 1 small can tomato concentrate
- cooking cream
- olive oil or any mild oil (sunflower, nut, etc.)
- paprika and curry powder
- italian seasoning
- salt, sugar, pepper to taste
- shredded cheese

1. Cook the pasta according to the instructions on the package.
2. Sautée the celery in oil until the leaves are darker or the white part is golden. Add in the carrots. After a while, add in the eggplant. Make sure to stir well so the vegetables don't stick. Add in a pinch of salt and some pepper.
3. In a saucepan, cook the tomatoes in oil until liquidized. Add in the vegetables from Step 2. Stir well. Lower the heat and cover. After 2-3 minutes, add in mushrooms, then the tomato concentrate. After stirring actively for a moment, add the "crushed" tofu.
4. Sautée the ginger and add it to the sauce. Add the cooking cream.
5. Add about 1/4 teaspoons each of the curry and paprika powder (I'm not sure how much, did it randomly ^^). Add 2 pinches of italian seasoning. Salt and sugar to taste.
6. Plate the pasta, pour the sauce on top. Sprinkle with a pinch of italian seasoning and some pepper. Put shredded cheese on top. Serve hot.

Note: The sauce should seem like it is too dry. It won't be, but it looks like it.

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