Sunday, September 25, 2016

Caramelized Apple Bread Pudding

I went home after my trip to the US, and my mom told me to do something with a bag of sliced bread that was sitting around. She feared that it would start molding in the near future. My dad then chipped in, saying a bunch of apples were sitting around. When there is dried bread or a lot of bread to use up, my only thought is something along the lines of a bread pudding.

Therefore, I made a thin custard with soy milk, sugar, some vanilla, and corn starch. Since the bread wasn't dried, I cut it up and dried it in a toaster oven. After that, I poured the custard on top of the bread and let it sit. In the meantime, I started working on a basic caramel.

From past experiments with caramel, I feared it would not turn out so well. I generally have a hard time with caramel. Yet for once, this one turned out beautifully. I did burn my finger when I accidentally touched it while it was in the pan (be careful, caramel is extremely hot!) After taking care of my burn, I poured it all into the bottom of a greased loaf pan. Then I cut some thin apple wedges and laid them on top of the hardened caramel.

I then poured about 1/3 of the bread mix, sprinkled some diced apples, and repeated until I reached the top. There was a bit of custard liquid and a end slice of bread left, so I layered that on the very top. The whole thing was baked until browned.

My parents didn't get home until late, so I left the whole bread pudding in the fridge overnight. The next morning, I plated it onto the biggest, long plate I could find, and still it could barely fit! I think overall it was a bit soft. Next time, I probably would add less custard to the bread. It most probably also would benefit from even more apples throughout the middle.

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