Thursday, April 3, 2014

Sushi dinner~

Whenever there's avocado, cucumber, carrots, and mozzarella, somehow, it leads to a sushi night. This time, I did a little more than just prepare for sushi.

First, I steamed carrots and green beans for the sushi. I also cut avocado, cucumber, apples (soaked in saltwater afterwards to avoid browning), and mozzarella.

After that, while the rice was cooking, I thought I would make it more special, and prepared a Japanese-style omelet for my cousin L to put in her sushi. That's done by lightly beating the eggs to mix the yolk and white, adding a bit of sugar and a pinch of salt, then frying it like an omelette. When half done, the egg is folded in half. It's then allowed to cook a bit more before being removed from heat and cut into strips.

Then I steamed a sweet potato, diced into bite-sized pieces. I then fried it lightly in a pan, before adding a mix of soy sauce (3 tsp), sugar (3 tsp), water (1 tbs), and rice vinegar (1 tbs), and kept it over the heat until the water evaporated, resulting in candied sweet potato. I then mixed in some roasted sesame seeds.

While we ate, we rolled our own sushi, so here are a few I rolled:

Dessert was simply diced mango.

I packed some leftovers into a lidded bowl for lunch between classes tomorrow. I made a small packet out of cellophane, in which I put little nori squares to eat with the rice and veggies tomorrow. If I put it in the bowl, it'll get soft and soggy.

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