Thursday, March 27, 2014

Vegetarian Burritos

While doing groceries the other day (fridge was empty from Spring Break, so had to fill it a bit before market day came), I randomly decided we would have burritos for dinner yesterday. Probably was influenced by the two tortillas my friend gave me. Or maybe I just hadn't had any for too long. Whichever the reason, I was clear I was getting burritos done.

I made new white rice, in which I mixed some chopped cilantro (frozen from a few weeks back), and added some lemon juice in an attempt to replicate the Chipotle rice.

For the black beans, I just took a can of beans, stir-fried them a little with some salt, and then they were ready.

Chopped some lettuce and diced some tomatoes. Yesterday's version did not have guacamole, but I got some ripe avocados at the market today, so I made guacamole by mashing the avocado, adding some lemon juice and salt, and mixing it all together.

The grated cheese tastes like aged Gouda, which has a sharper flavor than the younger ones. I prefer the taste of aged cheese, and it was the cheapest grated cheese, in any case. I couldn't find sour cream, so I grabbed a tub of quark -- a good decision. It has a very nice flavor, and apparently, it has less fat than sour cream.

Pile the ingredients in whichever order, and wrap it up!

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